"Diversität leben - eigentlich ist das für uns alle Alltag. Aber diese Diversität wollen und müssen wir auch im Arbeitsleben noch konsequenter abbilden. Davon profitieren wir, Diversität ist heute Grundvoraussetzung für Erfolg!" Das Statement kommt von Herzen. Sehen Sie selbst!
Van Ameyde is an internationally operating service provider for the insurance industry. With Van Ameyde, RWTÜV has a top player on its team for global, cross-border claims and risk management including the appropriate IT systems. On land, at sea or in the air – everything is taken care of. From the initial risk assessment and loss prevention to claim notification, appraisal and detailed processing. Until the claim is settled for all parties involved, in their home countries and currencies. Competent, multi-lingual experts – surveyors, lawyers, medical specialists and claim adjusters – provide first-class support in 46 branch offices in 28 countries, or alternatively are available as Interim Professionals. From traffic, freight and transport claims to global logistics, financial and health service operators or cybercrime, eGamer and micro insurance providers – customer satisfaction is assured.
From optimal IT solutions to claims management outsourcing
Back in the 1950s, Van Ameyde was a driving force behind the Green Card system for international motor insurance. Today, Van Ameyde is an innovation pioneer in the field of digital transformation / Software as a Service (Saas) for insurance companies. As a result, market-leading comprehensive insurers receive global claims representation and optimal IT solutions. At the same time, Van Ameyde serves insurance startups for micro enterprises – e.g. via the OutSystems low-code platform, or the ValueChecker product identification platform for accelerated and transparent handling of home contents claims. The portfolio includes individual modules that companies can adapt for their insurance departments – as well as offerings for full claims management outsourcing. A worldwide network of experts is on hand for needs analysis or to program IT setups for completely new, cutting-edge risk management and insurance solutions – such as the Lemonade insurance service, powered by artificial intelligence, or also convincing response measures to combat losses due to the corona pandemic.
Piet Middelkoop
CEO Van Ameyde
Jan-Michiel Cillessen
COO Van Ameyde
Bob de Bruijn
CFO Van Ameyde
VAN AMEYDE International B.V.
Einsteinlaan 20
2289 CC Rijswijk
Tel.: +31 70 413 76 80
Fax: +31 70 413 76 77
E-Mail: @email