"Diversität leben - eigentlich ist das für uns alle Alltag. Aber diese Diversität wollen und müssen wir auch im Arbeitsleben noch konsequenter abbilden. Davon profitieren wir, Diversität ist heute Grundvoraussetzung für Erfolg!" Das Statement kommt von Herzen. Sehen Sie selbst!
From the beginning, Van Ameyde wanted to break new ground. Working with commercial insurers, it sought above all to optimise claims settlement processes. The results were spectacular: Van Ameyde quickly became the most successful claims adjuster in the Netherlands, and was the first company in the industry to open offices abroad. With this cross-border expertise and in-depth knowledge of the underlying processes, Van Ameyde played a key role in the successful introduction of the new “green card” international motor insurance certificate in 1953. Since then, the company has been an innovation driver in the design of smooth cross-border claims processes in the road traffic, freight and transport sectors.

Today, Van Ameyde International B.V. (VAI) also provides human resources services for insurance companies; another key area is facilitating digital transformation in the industry. For example, the Netherlands-based company offers optimum IT solutions for claims management startups; it programs IT setups for new, cutting-edge risk management and insurance solutions; and it develops needs analysis tools and claims assessment platforms.

Van Ameyde’s expert network is a leading partner in this field. One of its clients is ALD Automotive: ALD has more than 200,000 vehicles at 43 locations worldwide and serves over 5,000 customers with vehicle leasing and fleet park management for all makes of vehicles. The Paris-based company has selected RWTÜV subsidiary Van Ameyde in the Netherlands to manage its self-insured property damage and personal injury risks under Motor Third Party Liability (MTPL), as well as recoveries arising from damage inflicted to its fleet. Together, both parties offer ALD Automotive customers a combination of personalised support with digital service. Through a single point of contact for all claims-related issues, cases are managed by experienced professionals within Van Ameyde’s customised IT platform. ALD’s clients thus experience a smooth process and high-quality claims management.
In April 2022, Van Ameyde acquired Spotlite, a company specialising in insurance claims settlement in the entertainment sector. This means that Van Ameyde is now also the partner of choice for claims relating to film, TV and advertising productions, offering a reliable “all in one” service via Spotlite.

In total, Van Ameyde has around 1,000 corporate clients under contract in the international insurance and risk management market, handling around 750,000 claims and accidents on their behalf every year through 35 affiliated companies and 46 offices in 28 countries.
With precision development of end-to-end solutions, state-of-the-art systems and a global network of experts, Van Ameyde guarantees fast decision-making, excellent customer service and optimised return on investment. Van Ameyde is therefore an important part of the international RWTÜV family.