"Diversität leben - eigentlich ist das für uns alle Alltag. Aber diese Diversität wollen und müssen wir auch im Arbeitsleben noch konsequenter abbilden. Davon profitieren wir, Diversität ist heute Grundvoraussetzung für Erfolg!" Das Statement kommt von Herzen. Sehen Sie selbst!
Dear Readers,
Our world is constantly changing. We can accept this, react, adapt. Or we can decide to be the ones who shape these changes.
If we understand the trends of tomorrow today, we can make reliable decisions within the company and develop methods and tools that will enable us to be the driving force behind the successful development of our Group's future.
We set the course with our Strategy 2030 at the current management meeting in mid-October. We are focusing on profile enhancement, perpetuation of innovative processes, moving forward together, permanent transformation and expanding our expertise. You will of course find out more details in this newsletter in the coming weeks.
Our annual internal ideas competition falls under the heading of “innovative processes”. This year, the topic was artificial intelligence and how it can support us in our day-to-day work. How can we digitally transform our services with the help of AI, how can we make processes more efficient and effective? And last but not least, how can we use exciting AI projects to find and retain talent in order to counter the shortage of skilled workers? The submission phase ended on October 11 and we are currently in the middle of the exciting evaluation phase. We will also keep you up to date on this here! In the current issue, however, we provide an update on how positively one of the winning ideas from the previous competition is developing. We promise to stay on top of this too.
With best regards
Thomas Biedermann and Fabian Fechner
The management teams of the RWTÜV Group met at ENOPLAN GmbH in Bruchsal and Östringen-Tiefenbach in mid-October. Thomas Biedermann and Dr. Fabian Fechner had invited to the annual Group Management Meeting to discuss the content of the measures for the coming years with the subsidiaries under the title “Strategy 2030”.
Based on a sharpening of the profile in the brand strategy, in particular for the umbrella brand RWTÜV, developed with the support of the Cologne-based consultancy VALORESS, guidelines and scope for action were set for the future. Another central point on the agenda was to drive forward the perpetuation of innovation management into the daily work processes of the subsidiaries and the holding company; here, the innovation experts from isn – innovation service network from Austria provided valuable input, who will have direct insight into all processes in future as a new member of the RWTÜV Group.
To kick off the event, all participants met the evening before for an exclusive tour of the wine cellar at the Heitlinger Hof winery, followed by an exclusive wine tasting, which provided an appealing setting for initial discussions and personal exchanges.
In the management workshops in Cologne, the follow-up meeting with the first group focused on the question of how what they had learned in the previous months had proven itself in their day-to-day work. In short presentations, all participants presented their reflections on their own development: “What were the benefits of the three leadership training modules in everyday working life? Has your own behavior changed? Where is there a need for further support?”
The final item on the agenda for this meeting was the distribution of the certificates of participation, which was celebrated in a fitting manner at the Rohmühle restaurant in Bonn.
Together, strategic pillars for the future were set before the individual journey home: With constructive self-management and focus in everyday life, nothing now stands in the way of optimizing communication. The new Leadership Circle is intended to facilitate more networking, and the aim is also to focus on customer concerns for more growth. RWTÜV Managing Director Thomas Biedermann and Dr. Fabian Fechner bid farewell to the group and wished them success in their day-to-day work.
The RWTÜV Group intends to follow up not only on the award-winning ideas, but also on as many feasible suggestions from the internal innovation competition as possible. One of the topics suggested last year has already made promising progress. Jannis Gasmi from Enoplan suggested evaluating the data generated by Enoplan's load profile measurements in order to provide customers with even better advice. Load profile measurements analyze various aspects of electricity usage in order to gain insights into the energy consumption of individual customers or customer groups. “Smart grid optimization” is the keyword. Gasmi is a project manager for supply concepts; the bioengineering graduate and expert in bioreactors experiments with regenerative cultivation in his spare time. His aversion to waste also includes data, which is why he came up with the idea of evaluating and profitably using the information that is already generated in the course of his work. Roll the movie!
Integrated network planning, future-proof regulatory framework - RWTÜV subsidiary CONSULECTRA GmbH once again took part in this year's “Treffpunkt Netze 2024” in Berlin. “Treffpunkt Netze” is the central event of the network industry, which was held under the motto ‘STARKE NETZE - STARKE ZUKUNFT’.
The expansion of electricity grids, the transformation of gas grids and the development of a hydrogen network were discussed with politicians and industry representatives.
The open plenary sessions, special forums and the CONSULECTRA stand provided valuable insights and impetus to drive forward the energy transition together and with increasing expertise.