"Diversität leben - eigentlich ist das für uns alle Alltag. Aber diese Diversität wollen und müssen wir auch im Arbeitsleben noch konsequenter abbilden. Davon profitieren wir, Diversität ist heute Grundvoraussetzung für Erfolg!" Das Statement kommt von Herzen. Sehen Sie selbst!
We work with solar energy
The RWTÜV building on Kronprinzenstraße in Essen now generates its own #electricity! ????On an area of about 300 square meters, 156 #photovoltaic modules generate electricity from #solar energy. More than 50,000 kilowatt hours are to be generated per year to supply the owners and tenants of the RWTÜV Group headquarters.
#shapingthefuture #energiewende #sustainability #creatingvalue
The banners are hanging
.. our RWTÜV house is prepared for the 150th anniversary.
DÜV makes the spark glow
In April 1872, the Dampfkesselüberwachungsverein in den Industriebezirken Lenne, Sieg und Dill e.V., renamed DÜV zu Siegen e.V. in 1899, began its work. The foundation stone for 150 years in the service of safety, value awareness and research was laid!
From Inspecting to Engineering
The inspectors of the DÜV and later TÜV have never seen themselves as mere observers. It was and still is a matter of course for them to conduct their own research in order to improve testing processes and to provide impulses - i.e. their own sparks! - to be able to contribute impulses.
Best practice example 5G - from development support to certification regime.