"Diversität leben - eigentlich ist das für uns alle Alltag. Aber diese Diversität wollen und müssen wir auch im Arbeitsleben noch konsequenter abbilden. Davon profitieren wir, Diversität ist heute Grundvoraussetzung für Erfolg!" Das Statement kommt von Herzen. Sehen Sie selbst!
The Dual Study Programme enjoys great popularity in Germany. According to the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), the number of students who simultaneously complete longer practical phases in a company has quadrupled within 15 years. Combining theory and practice is also the goal of a newly concluded cooperation between FOM Hochschule and RWTÜV GmbH. An according agreement has now been signed.
"With RWTÜV GmbH, we have gained a strong partner that has been successful in the market for more than 150 years," says Frank Quirbach, General Manager of FOM in Essen. As of the winter semester 2023, the first apprentices of RWTÜV GmbH are to start their dual studies at the FOM Hochschule in Essen. The primary focus will be on the Bachelor's degree programme "Business Administration". "Students acquire business know-how that they can integrate into their everyday working lives from day one," Quirbach continues.
Attractive opportunity for both sides
On the part of RWTÜV GmbH, which is operationally active in the business fields of insurance services, telecommunications and energy & environment, the cooperation creates real added value. "From our point of view, the dual study programme offers many advantages - both for us as an employer and for the young people who are faced with the choice of what they want to do after graduation. They don't have to make a decision, but can start their professional life early with an apprenticeship and still complete a university degree," says Thomas Biedermann, Chairman of the Board of Management of RWTÜV GmbH.
Employees grow with the company
As an employer, RWTÜV also benefits from the input that employees gain during their studies at FOM: "We have an employee who is integrated into the company right from the start, who can use his/her acquired knowledge profitably and who grows with us," explains Biedermann. Fabian Fechner, also Managing Director of RWTÜV GmbH, adds with regard to the newly concluded cooperation: "With FOM, we have chosen a university that has long-standing proven experience with the dual study programme and many successful graduates".